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7 simple ways to insulate your garage

The whole purpose of a garage is to protect your vehicle from the elements, but without proper insulation, it’s only doing a part of its job. In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the easiest and most effective ways to insulate a garage, but first let’s talk about why you should consider insulating your garage to begin with.

Benefits of insulating a garage


Improved energy efficiency

If your garage is attached to your home, heat can pass easily through the dividing wall, quickly dispersing into the atmosphere. If your garage is properly insulated, it will retain more heat for longer, reducing the energy needed to keep your home warm and lowering your heating bills accordingly.

Reduced noise pollution

If you spend time hanging out in your garage, proper insulation can significantly reduce the amount of noise pollution from the street outside. Likewise, if you’re using noisy power tools in your garage or listening to loud music, the right insulation will prevent you from annoying your neighbours.

Greater comfort

As mentioned above, an uninsulated garage can be freezing cold in the winter and stiflingly hot in the summer. If you get your insulation just right, you can maintain a comfortable temperature all year. This balance of insulation is essential if you use your garage for more than just vehicle storage – whether as a place to conduct your hobbies or simply to hang out in peace and comfort.

Protection of belongings

People use their garage as a convenient storage space for all kinds of things, many of which can be damaged by fluctuations in temperature – therefore, good garage insulation is crucial for keeping possessions in good condition. The same is true with your car, especially the battery, which can be negatively affected by extreme heat or cold.

How to insulate your garage

Fill in any gaps and cracks

Perhaps the easiest way to insulate your garage (at least to some extent) is with an expanding foam sealant sprayed into any cracks or gaps in the brickwork. Easily obtained from your local DIY supplier, this spray-on solution fills in any errant air holes that lead to increased heat loss. It expands rapidly, providing a quick form of insulation for small air gaps, with any excess easily wiped away.

Insulate the walls and roof cavity

A good rule of thumb for garage insulation is to treat your garage as you would any other part of your home. Make sure that there is adequate insulation for the walls and ceiling alike to minimise heat loss. There are plenty of options to choose from in terms of materials, some of which are easier to install than others. These include fibreglass strips, rigid foam boards and loose insulation padding, which are usually blown into place. Each has its own benefits and disadvantages, so be sure to do your research.

Double-glaze your windows

Many modern garage doors include glazed partitions to let in natural light. Whether these are small apertures at the top of your garage door or larger glass panels running the length of the door itself, it’s important that you have the right glazed units in place. Single-glazed windows are not particularly effective at preventing heat or noise transfer. Double-glazed window units perform a much better job thanks to their vacuum-sealed nature, which dramatically limits the passage of heat and sound energy between the panes.

Improve the insulation of your garage door

Insulating a garage door is perhaps the most effective way to protect your garage and its belongings from extremes in temperature, and there are a number of ways to do this.

Install a new door

Installing a new door is an easy solution for many garage insulation problems. Modern garage doors are often pre-insulated, meaning you can get an attractive new door and effective insulation in one fell swoop. Also, simply changing the material of your door can improve the R-value, which is a measurement used in construction to determine how well a barrier reduces the flow of heat energy. The higher the R-value, the better insulation the material offers. Changing from an aluminium garage door to a timber garage door, for instance, can triple the R-value, giving improved energy efficiency. Add some insulation to that door to see even better results.

Install an automated garage door

Automated garage doors are a great choice when insulating your garage, as the closing and locking mechanisms are often tighter than their manual counterparts, ensuring a more snug fit and fewer gaps for warm air to escape and disperse. Automated garage doors can still be insulated to the same high standard as manual garage doors for even greater energy efficiency.

Improve the weather stripping around your garage door

The biggest culprit for heat and noise transfer in most garages is the gap between the garage door and the floor. Most garage doors aren’t fitted flush to the ground, as this can potentially damage the door when regularly opening and closing. Even the slimmest of gaps can still let hot air out and cold air in, undermining the rest of your garage insulation precautions. An effective way to combat this is with weather stripping – a simple strip of rubber or vinyl applied to the bottom of the door that seals the gap without compromising the ease of opening and closing the door.

Ways to Insulate Your Garage: Final Thoughts

If you are in the Devon or Dorset areas and want to invest in a new, energy-efficient garage door, give the team at Alliance Garage Doors a call today. We can help you choose the ideal garage door solution for your insulation needs, with a wide range of models and styles available that will improve the R-value of your existing door. We can also install automated garage doors for the additional benefits they provide.

Whether you’re in our home town of Newton Abbott or somewhere further afield, we guarantee a first class installation service by trained professionals. Call us on 0800 328 1930 or 07760 784 283 and see what we can do for you.



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